The Best Way To Plan For Resource Demand in 2021

It's 2021, any business that wants to be successful in today’s economy will need to understand the resources that it uses, the way they function in its business model, and how to utilize them best. As a business director or owner, it’s up to you to decide how to best utilize your available resources, figure out what additional resources you might need, and determine where your resources are being wasted. Resource management is a necessity for your business in 2020 if you want to remain competitive with your rivals.

However, as your service business scales managing your resources can become very messy without the right solutions and workflows in place. Lucky for you, an integrated PSA software solution with resources gives you the ability and visibility to...
Kick start your projects much faster and more professionally
Identify your resource needs with the highest accuracy
Improve your resource utilization by matching your teams skill-sets with different projects
Improve your team's spirit and retention by taking skills, preferences, and professional development needs into account when making a decision when assigning to projects
Ability to see the future of your resources with visibility into future hiring and skill development needs
Using an integrated resource management module provides you with an intuitive, data-driven UI for matching projects with your right resources. It also combines future resource projections with historical actuals in a single solution, giving you 20/20 visibility into your entire project’s profitability and performance against the budget, even before your client's project is complete. This provides you and your team with an early warning prompt on potential problems so you can act on them appropriately before the damage is done.
Taking the above into consideration, let’s take a deeper look at 5 ways you can utilize a PSA solution to automate resources management...
1. Take Control of Your Supply & Demand in One Simple Solution
PSA software gives you the necessary tools to understand the overall supply and demand for resources and skills within your business. With PSA, you will have a real-time dashboard that will quickly show how busy resources are projected to be and what sort of projects are currently in motion. It also brings to light which resource needs have yet to be met and what kind of skills is required.
2. Simply & Easily Match Your Team with Projects
PSA software allows for scheduling workflows to be created & configured to allow your managers/team to request resources to fulfill or approve requests. You and your team with the right permissions can search for resources by skills, location, title, or other criteria to help get the perfect skill for a specific project. PSA software gives you an all-in-one solution where you can quickly identify resources matched by skill levels and availability.
3. Seamlessly Align Your Financial Forecasting Across Your Business
Reports and dashboards consolidate day-to-day scheduling data to show you who’s projected to work on what, who’s available, and who’s overbooked. This also helps you understand performance to budget at completion, instead of just performance to date. PSA software gives you the ability to measure the profitability of fixed-price projects before they’re complete.
4. Optimize resource utilization
PSA software gives you insights into what your team is working on throughout each day. You can use this feature to quickly identify who is working on what is it billable or non-billable, allowing you to close the gap in revenue leakage. Normally you may wait until meetings or a weekly/monthly analysis before you know what's going on, with PSA software your resources tasks can be updated daily for your review. Think about the amount of time you could save and the increase in your team's productivity with this ability.
5. Collaborate quickly and easily across teams
Good PSA Software combines all departments, offering an effective and natural destination for communication, organizing, and collaboration across the team on a project level or a full business level. With PSA software you can easily move tasks between projects, assign people, upload assets as files, comment, and get the right eyes on the matter. It’s quick, easy, and done within one simple system allowing your team to increase productivity.
Also, check out
Why Not Trial the PSA Software Built by Service Professionals for Service Professionals!
CrossConcept Continuum goes beyond traditional PSA solutions available today by incorporating cutting-edge UI technology making the solution more user-friendly, resulting in fewer clicks within the solution and time spent logging data. CrossConcept Continuum has been built from the ground up to integrate with all major accounting systems to seamlessly synchronize projects and accounting within one unified system.
Our innovative PSA solution allows organizations to maximize profitability by integrating connecting projects and financial accounting, enabling you to manage all stages of your project from conception to completion and deliver on your promises. CrossConcept has decades of experience helping service organizations automate their processes. Clients have ranged in size from a handful of people to over thirty thousand. The founder's and team’s real-world experience is what drove and shaped the creation of CrossConcept Continuum.

Our solution is a simple, yet powerful PSA solution built with the end-user in mind - fast, flexible, powerful, and user-friendly! We are offering all new clients a free 2-week trial with no contract obligations. This is a great opportunity for any business to try out the solution and decide if PSA software is for you!
To book a free 15-minute consultation, email: or call: 1-888-528-3898 x110.